iOS Application Development, EDYTA ŁUKASIK, MARIA SKUBLEWSKA-PASZKOWSKA, PIPS – Polish Information Processing Society, Lublin 2016

Table of Contents


  1. iOS programming
  2. Objective-C basics
    1. Data types
    2. Instructions
    3. Class
    4. Protocols
    5. Delegates
  1. Xcode environment
    1. Creating new project
    2. Interface Builder
    3. Using Simulator
    4. Running the software on a device
  1. iOS system
    1. Architecture of iOS system
    2. Model-View-Controller
  1. Creating the Graphical User Interface
    1. Controls
    2. Storyboard
    3. Tableviews
  1. Data Management
    1. Introduction to the Core Data
    2. Core Data Architecture
    3. Creating a basic Core Data application
    4. Deleting data
    5. Data modification
  1. Map implementation
    1. Frameworks
    2. Adding maps to the application
    3. Adding annotations to a map
    4. Distance between points
